Appalachian State Univ. Online, RN-BSN
Appalachian State University,
ASU Box 32054, 2nd Floor, University Hall,
400 University Hall Drive,
Boone, NC 28608,
T: (828) 262-3113,
Toll-Free: (800) 355-4084,
Online Education at Appala READ MORE
George Mason Univ. Online, RN to BSN
George Mason University,
Graduate School of Education,
4400 University Drive, 1F2,
Finley Building, 1022,
Fairfax, VA 22030,
T: (703) 993-3670,
The RN to BSN Pathway program is designed for READ MORE
Clarion Univ of Pennsylvania Online, RN to BSN
Clarion University of Pennsylvania,
Director, Virtual Campus,
131 Harvey Hall,
840 Wood Street,
Clarion, PA 16214,
T: (814) 393.2778,
Toll Free: (800) 672-7171,
The Bachelor of Science in N READ MORE
Notre Dame College Online, RN to BSN
Notre Dame College,
The Finn Center,
Adult, Graduate and Professional Programs,
4545 College Road,
South Euclid, OH 44121,
T: (216) 373.5173,
Toll Free: (888) 657.0472,
The RN to BSN progra READ MORE
Univ. of Northern Colorado Online, RN to BSN
University of Norther Colorado,
Office of Extended Studies,
Michener Library, L50,
502 20th St, CB 21,
Greeley, CO 80639,
T: (970) 351-2944,
Toll Free: (800) 232-1749,
The University of Nor READ MORE
Florida International Univ. Online, RN to BSN Program
Florida International University,
11200 S.W. 8th Street,
Modesto A. Maidique Campus,
Ryder Business Building, Room 358,
Miami, FL 33199,
T: (305) 348-3630,
Toll Free: (877) 3-ELEARN,
RN to B.S.N
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