Youngstown State Univ. Online, Master of Business Administration
Youngstown State University,
Office of Distance Education,
Main Office, Rm 207,
Instructional Design Suite, Rm 306,

One University Plaza,
Youngstown, Ohio 44555,

T: (330) 941.3195,

An online MBA option requires the same effort as earning your degree on campus. You'll still get the same quality courses, from the same full-time faculty. All that, coupled with course flexibility to fit your busy schedule.

As a working professional, your education is valued. Our focus is on providing you knowledge that will lead to career success and advancement. You will learn how to think more strategically, to make better decisions and become a stronger leader. Through immersion in real-world problems and leadership practice, you will work to identify problems, pinpoint new opportunities and implement real strategies - all of these will allow you to create a bigger impact for you and your organization.
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