Webster Univ. Online, M.A. in Media Communications
Webster University,
Online Learning Center,
470 East Lockwood Avenue,
St. Louis, MO 63119-3141,
T: (314) 246-8746,
Toll Free: (866) 622-0888m
The master of arts (MA) degree in media communications is for students who have both an interest and background in communications.
All students entering this program are required to consult with a School of Communications academic advisor prior to registration. Qualifications and required prerequisite courses will be discussed at this time. Qualifications include a strong educational background in their intended area of graduate communications study or professional experience in their area of interest. Students without a strong educational background or experience in the communications field are required to enroll in 6 credit hours of prerequisite course work. The selection of prerequisites will depend on each student's area of academic interest in communications and should be approved by a School of Communications academic advisor.
Visit the website to learn more.
