Webster Univ. Online, M.A. Human Resources Development
Webster University,
Online Learning Center,
470 East Lockwood Ave.,
St. Louis, MO 63119,
T: (314) 246-8746,
Toll Free: (866) 622-0888,
The main objective of the human resources development program is to develop professionals in human resources development who have both a broad conceptual understanding of human resources development and a "working knowledge" of a wide range of individual, group, and organization development strategies and tactics. This combination will enhance the careers of students already in human resources development, and increase the likelihood that students wanting to enter the field will be productive in their new careers by leveraging this knowledge base. Another objective of the program is to develop knowledge, skills, and abilities that are relevant in a wide variety of different human resources development settings and roles. For example, the program should prepare students to work in corporate offices, boutique training firms, or human resources development consulting firms.
