Walden Univ.Online, M.S. in Mental Health Counseling - Trauma and Crisis Counseling
Walden University,
100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 900,
Minneapolis, MN 55401,
Toll Free: (866) 492-5336,
When recovering from trauma or disasters, individuals and communities need the help of professionals trained in trauma and crisis counseling. Through this specialization, you can gain the counseling skills and theoretical foundation to help individuals heal from trauma and assist communities in managing crisis.
Through this specialization, you will be able to master the theory, intervention strategies, and treatment models needed to counsel and support individuals and families in crisis. During this course, you will be able to develop the expertise to train and support first responders managing intense career demands. You will learn about crisis management and study the leadership skills necessary to help communities develop effective, responsive crisis management programs and trauma treatment services.