Univ. of Southern California Online, M.S. in Computer Science - Software Engineering
University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA 90089,
T: (213) 740-4488,
Toll Free: (877) 740-1336,
The M.S. in Computer Science (Software Engineering) focuses on providing its graduates not only software development skills, but also systems engineering, customer collaboration, and management skills necessary for non-outsourceable careers and for leadership in software engineering. It emphasizes education for the future, including such emerging trends as software-intensive systems of systems, high assurance, agile methods, COTS integration, mobile and distributed network-centric architectures, and rapid software development and evolution. The program includes experience in real-client class projects and state-of-the-art evaluation assignments.
This program is also available online to professional engineers through the Distance Education Network (DEN@Viterbi). Because the DEN@Viterbi program provides a fully equivalent academic experience, the degree a USC engineering student earns is the same whether they are on-campus or online.
Visit the website to learn more.
