Univ. of Northern Colorado Online, M.A. Special Education: Deaf & Hard of Hearing

University of Norther Colorado,
Office of Extended Studies,
Michener Library, L50,
502 20th St, CB 21,
Greeley, CO 80639

T: (970) 351-2944
Toll Free: (800) 232-1749

The Master of Arts in Special Education with a Deaf/Hard of Hearing emphasis prepares professionals as a special education specialist: deaf/hard of hearing to work with children and youth with hearing losses ages birth-21 and their families in order to help them develop their full potential.The Special Education Deaf/Hard of Hearing Specialist is required to pass either the Praxis or PLACE elementary education content exam prior to entry into the preparation program, and the Deaf Education Praxis or PLACE exam prior to enrolling in practicum. The program consists of the required courses and practicum requirements agreed upon by the student and advisor.

Visit the website to learn more.
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