Univ. of Northern Colorado Online, Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
University of Norther Colorado,
Office of Extended Studies,
Michener Library, L50,
502 20th St, CB 21,
Greeley, CO 80639,
T: (970) 351-2944,
Toll Free: (800) 232-1749,
A 2-Year Mostly-Online DNP Program
The online post-master's Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program prepares individuals for specialized advanced nursing practice with the highest level of scientific knowledge and practice expertise. This master's-to-DNP program is designed for the practicing APN as a two-year part-time online program to offer you flexibility and convenience.
The post-master's DNP degree is designed for those APN nurses with an MSN degree who are interested in a practice-focused doctorate.
This program, offered by the UNC School of Nursing through the Office of Extended Studies, begins each Fall via a competitive admission process. Class size is limited. Coursework is completely online. There are three required visits to campus: a 3-day on-campus orientation at the beginning of the program (typically scheduled in mid-July), and visits for your capstone project proposal and defense.
Visit the website to learn more.
