Univ. of North Florida Online, M.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics
University of North Florida,
Nutrition and Dietetics,
1 UNF Drive,
Building 39, Room 3042,
Jacksonville, FL 32224,
T: (904) 620-1700,
There are three options to this 43-semester hour program: the Thesis or Non-Thesis option or the MS/Dietetic Internship.
The MS Thesis or Non-Thesis option in Nutrition is a distance learning degree for those students who wish to emphasize the application of advanced nutrition knowledge in clinical or community based health programs. Applicants for the MS Thesis or Non-Thesis option in Nutrition are persons with a baccalaureate degree from a U.S. regionally accredited institution and ACEND/CADE accredited program with a major course of study in Food and Nutrition, Human Nutrition, or Food Management or Registered Dietitians.