Univ. of Central Arkansas Online, Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)
University of Central Arkansas,
201 Donaghey Ave.,
Conway, AR 72035,

T: (501) 852-2820,

This program was established by the College of Education at the University of Central Arkansas in response to the shortage of teachers in Arkansas. The purpose of the MAT program is to prepare highly qualified mid-career professionals and recent graduates of higher education as teachers. The graduate degree program is designed for individuals without teaching credentials but who have successfully completed a baccalaureate degree and wish to become a teacher in an expeditious fashion. As a non-traditional teacher licensure program, the MAT is not intended to supplant traditional teacher preparation programs in Arkansas. Rather, the MAT is intended to assist potential teachers, those having a baccalaureate degree in a content area, to become practicing educators.

Visit the website to learn more.
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