Univ. of Alabama Online, MA in Health Studies
University of Alabama,
College of Continuing Studies,
Box 870388,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35404-0388

T: (205) 348-6331

The Master of Arts in Health Studies program is custom designed for busy and disciplined students entering or currently working in the many health studies professions. This fully accredited program is designed to fit around your own schedule and to help you apply your real-world experiences toward the highest level of practice available in the field of health promotion.

This 30-hour program is flexible and convenient, accommodating any schedule, and most importantly, does not require students to come to the Tuscaloosa, AL campus. Another major benefit of this program is that you can complete course work at your convenience from any location in the world, and by taking two courses a semester you can complete the degree in less than two years.

The M.A. program in Health Studies (Health Promotion) has been designed to provide the coursework and background to become a practitioner in health education and health promotion and sit for the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) examination.

Visit the website to learn more.
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