Univ. of Advanced Technology Online, B.A. Game Design
University of Advanced Technology,
EMPE, AZ 85283-1056,

Toll Free: (800) 658-5744,

The University of Advancing Technology offers an online Game Design Bachelor of Arts. Being consistently named as a top game design institution, UAT holds the only fully accredited online game design program that boasts a full continuum of online gaming degree majors including: Online Game Design Degree, Online Game Art and Animation Degree, and Online Game Programming Degree.

As the game design career field continues to expand and innovate, online students are exposed to unique online game design degree specializations and will discover and explore game design specialties that highlight their strongest skills. Many of UAT’s online game design degree students start as a general online game design major and go on to graduate with dual online gaming degrees, enabling them to become maestros from our prolific suite of online game degree programs.
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