Univ. Wyoming Online, "Brand" Accelerated Nursing Degree
University of Wyoming,
Outreach Credit Programs, Dept. 3274,
1000 E. University Avenue,
340 Wyoming Hall,
Laramie, WY 82071,
T: (307) 766-6565,
Toll Free: (800) 448-7801,
BRAND - "Bachelors Reach for Accelerated Nursing Degree" Program
an accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program for:
- students with a previous non-nursing baccalaureate degree
- students who desire to become a registered nurse
Program Overview
BRAND, offered through the Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing in conjunction with the University of Wyoming Outreach School, is not only an accelerated program but also a distance program. The program delivery allows WY's rural and isolated hospitals and agencies to ‘grow their own BSN-prepared nurses' without relocating the student (or the families of the student) to Laramie. BRAND's 15-month 'summer to summer' program includes on-line learning, hybrid courses, and hands-on clinical experiences. The intensive curriculum focuses on didactic and clinical nursing education. BRAND requires a motivated, independent and self-disciplined learner.
