Southwestern State Univ. Online, R.N. to B.S.N.
Southwestern State University,
100 Campus Drive,
Weatherford, OK 73096,
T: (580) 774-3063,
Registered Nurse Students
Southwestern Oklahoma State University Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) completion track is for licensed registered nurses who have graduated with an associate degree or diploma from an accredited nursing program (NLNAC or CCNE). The RN student may receive advance standing credit through Articulation for up to 31 hours. All RN students must meet University admission requirements. The BSN curriculum builds upon previous nursing and general education course work. The program is designed to support educational mobility and to strengthen professional growth and leadership abilities of nurses who already have a foundation in the profession.
All of the RN to BSN classes are delivered in an online format. The courses are designed and delivered using Desire2Learn (D2L) web platform. All elements of the D2L eClassroom are online including: email, discussions, web searches, eFolio, and all assignments.
