Regent Univ. Online, M.A. in Human Services Counseling
Regent University,
School of Psychology & Counseling,
1000 Regent University Drive,
Virginia Beach, VA 23464,
T: (757) 352.4498,
Toll Free (U.S. Only): (800) 681.5906,
The Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling is designed to equip individuals with valuable counseling skills for use in ministry, missions or any other vocation where those skills are essential but a counseling license is not required. The M.A. in Human Services Counseling program is ideal for individuals who are not seeking to become full-time mental-health professionals but frequently fulfill the role of "counselor"- such as teachers, emergency medical personnel, military personnel (especially senior enlisted service members), mentors, coaches, and supervisors. The M.A. in Human Services Counseling provides training and practice in interpersonal skills using a Biblical framework and helps to position people for service in the community and church who are skillful and caring and who can help develop the spiritual and emotional well-being of those with whom they interact.
