Purdue Univ. Global Online, M.A. in Teaching-Nationwide, Noncertification
Purdue University Global,
515 Cypress Creek Road,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309,

Toll Free: (844) PURDUE-G,

If you are interested in the field of education, but have already earned a bachelor's degree in another field of study or are working in another profession, Kaplan University can help you answer the call to teach. The Master of Arts in Teaching—Nationwide, Noncertification program is designed to help career changers develop the professional competencies required of secondary educators (grades 5 through 12). The goal of the program is to provide you with an understanding of secondary teaching practices. While this program will not lead to certification, it is designed to prepare you with a solid foundation to pursue alternative routes to teacher certification, if state certification is your goal.

Visit the website to learn more.
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