North Dakota State Univ. Online, M.A. or M.A.. in Community Development
NDSU Distance & Continuing Education,
North Dakota State University,
1919 N. University Drive,
Dept. 2020, P.O. Box 6050,
Fargo, ND 58108-6050

T: (701) 231-7015.
Toll Free: (800) 726-1724,

Equip yourself with the tools necessary to build communities for the 21st Century. The online M.S. or M.A. in Community Development is designed for community economic development officials, community leaders, practitioners, specialists nationwide who are already employed in the field, and for those who are committed to people and places. It provides the skills, information and networks needed to facilitate sustainable and prosperous community change. Graduates will be prepared to initiate social action processes and help to maintain balance to improve social economic cultural and environmental situations.
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