New Mexico State Univ. Online, Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology Degree Completiong
New Mexico State University,
Department of Distance Education,
Las Cruces, NM 88003,
T: (575) 646-8231,
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) curriculum covers topics and concepts that are required to design, implement, and manage a variety of computer-based information systems. The curriculum includes the study of computer hardware, application and operating systems software, system integration, database design and management, networking, and network security. Graduates can expect to fill positions with titles such as Information Technologist, Project Manager, Systems or Network Administrator, Computer Support Specialist, and Database Administrator. The program is designed for graduates of computer and technology-related associate degree programs - usually from community colleges or other two-year institutions who are seeking a Bachelors degree. It is also a viable degree path for students who have completed the freshmen and sophomore years of computer or technology-related programs at four-year institutions.
