Missouri Univ. of Science & Technology Online, Human Systems Integration (HSI) Graduate Certificate
Missouri University of Science & Technology,
Manager of Graduate Student Services,
Global Learning,
216 Centennial Hall,
Rolla, MO 65409,
T: (573) 341-4892,
Toll Free: (877) 678-1870,
The Human Systems Integration (HSI) certificate program prepares students to have a significant impact on complex tasks involving humans.It is beneficial for army officers at Ft. Leonard Wood, defense contractors in the systems engineering degree program and others wanting to specialize in HSI. In our increased threat environment, the consequences of HSI failures will become even more critical. We can no longer afford to have a token human factors specialist added to teams addressing complex military issues. A more effective comprehensive approach is to broadly educate military personnel and defense contractors and others in HSI. An increased understanding of human performance will allow for improved performance across the areas of interest which will be gained from this certificate and will result in improved survivability in response to disasters and catastrophes.
