Missouri Baptist Univ. Online, Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)
Missouri Baptist University,
MBU Center for Distance Learning,
One College Park Drive,
St. Louis, MO 63141,
T: (314) 744-5349,
The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) is a 36-hour degree program designed for certified teachers who are interested in adding an additional area of certification, as well as for individuals who would like to complete initial certification in conjunction with a master's degree, including students on a Temporary Authorization Certificate (TAC). While the MAT degree itself requires only 36 hours, the number of hours in each program will depend on the teaching certificate being sought. (See the Post-Baccalaureate Certification section of this bulletin for areas and levels of certification offered at Missouri Baptist University.) Students enrolled in a program for initial certification (other than those on a TAC) must complete a Professional Teaching Portfolio, which also meets the graduate research requirement. The portfolio must be completed and scored before the degree is conferred. Certified teachers and those on a TAC must complete the School Improvement Project to satisfy the graduate research requirement.
