Mississippi State Univ. Online, Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering
Mississippi State University,
Bagley College of Engineering,
PO Box 9544,
McCain Hall,
Mississippi State, MS 39762,
T: (662) 325.2270,
Degrees offered: MS in Industrial Engineering, PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering
ISE Graduate Program
The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering offers the Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial and Systems Engineering. In addition, the Department offers the Master of Science (Industrial Engineering), with both thesis and non-theses options. The M.S. (Thesis Option) is a research-oriented degree, and serves to prepare students for positions in industry or government or for further graduate study in industrial and systems engineering or related areas. The M.S. (Non-Thesis Option) is designed to prepare students for positions in business and industry that require a graduate education. Major areas of study are: industrial systems, operations research, manufacturing systems, management systems engineering, and human factors and ergonomics.
