Loyola Univ. Online, Doctor of Nursing Practice
Loyola University,
College of Social Sciences, Nursing,
6363 St. Charles Avenue,
Campus Box 45,
New Orleans, LA 70118,
T: 504-865-3142,
Toll Free: 800-488-6257,
The DNP program is online with a one-week campus orientation required each year and a campus visit to defend the capstone at the conclusion of the program.
The DNP program comprises two post-masters to DNP tracks and one post-BSN to DNP track. The post-masters to DNP track is for currently certified Nurse Practitioners or masters prepared nurses seeking executive leadership. Students can choose one of two plans of study depending on their career goals: post-masters to DNP for Nurse Practitioners with an emphasis in Integrated Behavioral Health; or, post-masters to DNP to prepare you as an executive nurse leader. The post-BSN to DNP track prepares BSN nurses to be family nurse practitioners with an emphasis on incorporating comprehensive behavioral health components. Graduates of the post-BSN to DNP program are eligible to apply for certification as a family nurse practitioner.
Visit the website to learn more.
