JHSPH OpenCourseWare, Integrating Social and Behavioral Theory into Public Health: Foundations/Macro-Mezzo Levels
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD 21205,
Description: This is the first part of a two-course survey that introduces an ecologic perspective that can be used to map factors that shape the health of individuals and populations. The course is built around a model that attempts to integrate social and cognitive factors that contribute to health status and health-related behavior. Integrated with the theoretical presentation are examples of interventions. The first course focuses mostly on "macro" and "mezzo" level influences on health, including culture, socio-economic status, race, and the media. Included is a discussion of advocacy as method of creating change at a macro level. The second course focuses more on the "micro" level and introduces several classic health behavior theories before turning to health communication and health education. By the end of both courses, students will be able to apply a number of theories and ecological perspectives to thinking about health problems and behavior.
