J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Online, A.A. Liberal Arts
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College,
Parham Road Campus,
1651 E. Parham Road,
Richmond, VA 23228,
T: (804) 371-3000,
The Associate of Arts degree in Liberal Arts lays the foundation for a Bachelor of Arts degree in art and art history, communication, English/literature, history, humanities, journalism, music, philosophy, pre-law, social sciences, religious studies, and world languages. The liberal arts promote a broad background of knowledge across the arts, humanities, languages, and social sciences to develop students' abilities in analytical and critical thinking, written and oral communication, and understanding global cultural awareness. The Liberal Arts degree is a two-year program designed for those students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university to complete a Bachelor of Arts degree. While the program is designed to provide transfer paths that will match the requirements of four-year colleges and universities, the requirements may differ. Therefore, students are strongly urged to work with their assigned advisor and to acquaint themselves with the requirements of the major department in the college or university to which they plan to transfer. This program requires intermediate proficiency (two years of coursework or its equivalent) in a language other than English.
