Hudson Valley Community College Online, A.A.S. Health Information Management and Technology
Hudson Valley Community College,
80 Vandenburgh Avenue,
Troy, NY 12180,
T: (518) 629-7225,
Toll Free: (877) 325-4822,
Today's health information technician needs a variety of skills to keep pace with the highly technical emergent medical office work place that is currently evolving to support Electronic Medical Records (EMR). The Health Information Management and Technology A.A.S. program is a relevant up-to-date curriculum designed for students to gain the skills necessary to become an administrative medical office professional in either a private practice or health care facility. The program is modeled after the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) curriculum. Program graduates are also prepared to take the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam. It must be noted that the program goes far beyond computer skills and knowledge of office software, as course content also focuses on ethics, security, and the necessary collaboration skills needed in the technical health field. The program concludes with an industry internship.
