Grand Canyon Univ. Online, Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership - Christian Ministry
Grand Canyon University,
PO Box 11097,
Phoenix, AZ 85061,
Toll Free: (800) 800-9776,
Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership with an Emphasis in Christian Ministry
The Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership program develops the learner's ability to generate new knowledge and responsibly apply knowledge to achieve high-performing entities that allow organizational employees and followers to grow and develop to their full potential. Learners will study the major bodies of literature in leadership, reflect critically on existing theory, and identify appropriate applications of theory in education, business, and other organizational cultures. Learners will develop academic and organizational research expertise through the study of statistical and research methodologies. The program of study is consistent with Grand Canyon University's mission to develop learners who are global citizens, critical thinkers, effective communicators, and responsible leaders. Graduates who earn the Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership with an Emphasis in Christian Ministry will advance the study of leadership within the field of Christian ministry with an in-depth research-based approach to facilitate leadership within Christian ministry and society.
