Georgia Southern Univ. Online, Georgia WebBSIT (B.S. Information Technology)
Georgia Southern University,
1332 Southern Drive,
Statesboro, GA 30458,
T: (912) 478-4636
WebBSIT is a Bachelor of Science degree program in Information Technology designed to meet your needs for any time, any place learning. Georgia’s WebBSIT program produces Information Technology graduates with the knowledge, skills and abilities required to meet the needs of the state’s employers.
Courses are available via the Internet, so you can learn wherever you have Internet connection and a computer - at home, at work or on the road. The program is designed to provide access to a Bachelor of Science degree program for those who might otherwise be unable to pursue a college education, including IT professionals who want to complete their degrees; stay-at-home parents who want to upgrade their skills and separating or active military personnel. Plus, WebBSIT is offered by accredited Georgia institutions - the same colleges and universities you would attend in person to get a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology.
