Florida State Univ. Online, M.S. Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies
Florida State University Office of Distance Learning,
Suite C-3500 University Center,
296 Champions Way,
P.O. Box 3062550,
Rallahassee, FL 32306,
T: (850) 644-4635,
Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies (ISLT) is an area of specialization that draws upon the fields of psychology, communications, and management in order to improve human performance. The field of instructional systems is concerned with the improvement of educational and training programs through the application of research and technology. In the master's program, you'll learn principles and techniques that cut across all organization and industry sectors — profits and nonprofits, public and private, products, and services. Some specific occupations suited to this program include trainers, consultants, K-12 teachers, instructors (especially in the military or at community colleges), educational technology coordinators, faculty, instructional designers, human resource specialists, and higher education.
Visit the website to learn more.
