Florida International Univ. Online, Master of Music Education
Florida International University,
11200 S.W. 8th Street,
Modesto A. Maidique Campus,
Ryder Business Building, Room 358,
Miami, FL 33199
T: (305) 348-3630
Toll Free: (877) 3-ELEARN
At FIU, we know that continuing education is essential to the lives of thoughtful teachers. We also know that a successful educational experience, particularly at the graduate level, is one where students/colleagues are motivated, where they learn from faculty and peers, and where their own experiences are considered as a valuable and important asset. Our Masters programs strive to provide lively, collaborative, innovative and challenging learning opportunities where you will find diverse ways to growth as an educator and musician.
The Music Education Masters degrees at FIU are flexible and can be completed in a number of ways. On site courses are offered both during the school year and during the summer. Our online courses are 7 weeks long and offer maximum flexibility while maintaining high quality of educational experience. Applicants are admitted once per semester.
Visit the website to learn more.
