Edinboro Univ. Online, M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership
Edinboro University,
School of Graduate Studies,
219 Meadville Street,
Edinboro, PA 16444
T: (814)732-2856
Toll-free: (888) 845-2890
The Department of Professional Studies has designed the online master's program for educators seeking leadership positions at classroom, school, district, and community levels. Edinboro University now offers a seamless progression from M.Ed. to K-12 Principal Certification to Superintendent's Letter of Eligibility. The coursework and related experiences prepare the M.Ed. candidate to promote the success of all students by being a leader within their classroom, school, or district. Emphasis is placed on determining candidate’s own personal leadership vision and leadership style while at the same time learning to lead others. Common educational leadership threads throughout the program include: (a) Research and Scholarship, (b) Use of Data, and (c) Operational Language.