ECE7670 - Error Control Coding, Spring 2006, Utah State Univ. OpenCourseWare (OCW)
Utah State University
4800 Old Main Hill,

Logan, UT 84322,

T: (435) 797-0454,

Course Description,
We will explore the theoretical and historical motivation behind modern error control coding, particularly algebraic block coding. Linear codes, both block and convolutional, will be introduced, followed by a description of the algebraic tools necessary to describe and implement Reed-Solomon codes. Modern algrebraic concepts including Galois fields will be presented, along with circuit implementations. Also, convolutional codes and trellis-coded modulation will be covered, along with the Viterbi algorithm for decoding. Low-density parity check codes and Turbo codes will be covered, as time permits. Much of the learning will be expressed in formal (theorem/proof) format to develop rigor.
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