Auburn Univ. Online, Master of Accountancy (MAc)
Auburn University College of Business,
405 W. Magnolia Ave.,
Auburn, AL 36849 ,
T: (334) 844-6118,
If a corporate accounting position or a CPA is your destination, the Auburn Master of Accountancy (MAc) is your ticket. With a MAc, you have a higher pass rate on the CPA exam, higher starting salary, and a better chance at promotion once hired.
Just like their on-campus counter-parts, distance students are required to participate in a four and one-half day on-campus residency. All students (both on-campus and distance learning) complete the on-campus residency while enrolled in ACCT 7980/7980 Integrated Accounting Topics and Case Analysis. Students enroll in this course the final spring semester of the program. The residency requirement spans a four and one-half day period near the end of the course, beginning on a Thursday evening and concluding on the following Monday afternoon.
Visit the website to learn more.