Ashland Univ. Online, B.A. or B.S. in Multidisciplinary Studies
Asland University,
401 College Avenue,
Ashland, OH 44805,
T: 419.289.4142,
Toll Free: (800) 882.1548,
Ashland’s Multidisciplinary Studies program allows a student who is interested in more than one field of study to design an individual major by drawing on courses from two or three subject areas.
Bachelor's Degree in Multidisciplinary Studies OnlineAshland offers either a B.A. or B.S. degree in Multidisciplinary Studies (MDS) and this individualized, multidisciplinary degree program allows students flexibility in designing degree programs that relate to their personal academic and career goals. Students will complete the University Core Curriculum requirements, take a cohesive set of courses from two different content areas (cognates), and complete a Multidisciplinary Capstone Experience (3 hours). This degree program provides a path to achieve baccalaureate degrees for those students whose interests lie in multiple areas and/or whose accumulated semester credit hours may not otherwise combine to qualify them for one of AU's existing baccalaureate degrees.
