Virginia Tech Online, M.S. in Aerospace Engineering
Virginia Tech,
Graduate School Admissions (0325),
Graduate Life Center at Donaldson Brown,
Blacksburg, VA 24061,

T: (540) 231-8636,

Virginia Tech offers courses toward the Master of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering concentrating on aerodynamics, structures, propulsion, and flight mechanics. Courses will be offered using an internet only delivery method. There will be both synchronous (two-way, live communication between student and professor) and asynchronous (downloadable, prerecorded lectures) components. Presentation materials will be packaged into downloadable modules that you can view at your convenience. One hour each week, there will be a live internet meeting of the class where you can interact with the professor. During this session, the professor will present interactive materials, answer questions on the lectures, go over homework, etc.
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