Dallas County Community College District Online, A.A.S. Advanced Manufacturing/Mechatronics Technology
Dallas County Community College District,
LeCroy Center for Educational Telecommunications,
9596 Walnut Street,
Dallas, TX 75243,

T: (972) 669-6400,
Toll Free: (888) 468-4268,

Advanced manufacturing/mechatronics technology merges electronics, mechanics, fluid power, PLC and computer controls with sensors, transducers and actuators to manufacture a product or perform a task with minimal human intervention. This frees people from the routine tasks and allows them to focus on solving problems, fixing equipment breakdowns or changing processes for better operation. A person with these diverse skill sets has a wider range of employment opportunities and is prepared to adapt to changes in industry. The technician with training in advanced manufacturing/mechatronics will be ready to take advantage of the new developments in industry and realize their potential to grow with changes in the global economy.
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